Do You Know Your Faith?
by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu | 11/04/2018 | Weekly ReflectionDo you know why we break the bread at Mass? The reason we break the bread at Mass is that through Communion we, though many in number, become one body because we eat the one bread of life, which is Christ.
During the Lamb of God, the priest breaks the body of Christ. This means that as the body of Jesus was broken on the cross to “take away the sins of the world,” so it is broken again to nourish us in our constant effort to rise above sinfulness and to grow in goodness.
Holy Communion is our most intimate union with Jesus Christ. In communion, we share in the life and work of Christ. the meal unites us with every other believer around the table. Each one of us, as we absorb the Body and Blood of Christ, is empowered to bring some share of his life to all we meet.
After the distribution of Communion and completion of the communion song, it is time to pause and in prayer savor our union with Jesus. After Communion, the priest prays the post-communion prayer. It is a prayer of petition in which the priest prays that the reception of holy communion will result in certain and definite spiritual benefits for those who have shared the Eucharist.
May we bring the Eucharistic Jesus that resides within us to everyone that we meet, amen!
Fr. Emmanuel