Do You Know Your Faith?

by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu  |  11/18/2018  |  Weekly Reflection

What Do Catholics Believe? Every Sunday during Mass, we declare that: “I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible…etc.” Have you wondered why we have a creed or how the creed came about?

In the first centuries after Christ, Christians wondered “how God worked.” Questions surfaced that were not explained in the New Testament record of Jesus’ teaching. People needed answers to such questions as, “How can one God be Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? How can Jesus be both divine and human?”

Many great theological debates, and not a few religious wars, sprang from questions concerning the nature of God. In 325, the bishops gathered at a Council held in the city of Nicea and adopted the Nicene Creed as the true and orthodox belief of the universal Church. The word creed comes from the Latin word credo which means I BELIEVE!

As we profess our faith this Sunday, I invite you to think of one belief about God that is important to you!

Fr. Emmanuel