Do You Know Your Faith?

by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu  |  11/11/2018  |  Weekly Reflection

Do you know why the priest or deacon says at the end of the Mass: "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord?" The dismissal reminds us that the only way to serve the Lord is in peace and love. Our response, “Thanks be to God,” does not mean we are anxious to be finished and on our way. The Mass is not just obligation but power and force for change individually and together. Thanks be to God!

Often, I hear people say that they don’t come to Mass because they find it boring. If Mass is boring to you, it may be that you are coming because you “have to” or only to “get something” out of it. Perhaps what you need to do is to come because you want to give something. Come to give Jesus your love and friendship. Come to give prayers for others, a smile to others, a helping hand to the elderly. Come to give a part of your income to the work of the Church. Come to give God all the events of the past week and your hopes and plans for the next week. If you come to church to give, Mass will never be boring!

What is something you can “Give” during Mass?

Fr. Emmanuel