Easter: The Triumph of Life

04-17-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Carlos M. Zapata

Dear Friends in Christ: Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

Alleluia means “praise the Lord.” Why do we praise Him, especially today? Because the whole Church, and with her all of creation, rejoices with the victory of the Risen Christ.

With the psalmist, the entire church proclaims: “The right hand of the LORD has struck with power; the right hand of the LORD is exalted.” (Ps. 118:16). The right hand of the Lord, the one that turned water into wine, gave us his Body and Blood in memory of Him and carried the cross to Calvary, has received the power from on high and has been rescued by the Father from the jaws of death. That same hand continues to be extended over humanity to forgive, to call to conversion, and to heal the hearts that are broken.

While we humans are capable of using power to overcome others with violence, terror and death, and to wage war against the innocent, like the one we are witnessing in Ukraine, our Lord invites us once again to reign with Him by using power to bring peace and blessing wherever we go.

The empty tomb tells us that death has been defeated by the unconditional love of our God who is Father, Son and Spirit of love and life. With the entire believing community (Jn. 20:8), we celebrate this new spring with our eyes and our minds in Him who has paid for our sins and has absorbed in his loving Person all of the negative of our life and history. We believe and proclaim that hatred, violence and death don’t have the last word but love, peace and life do. Love, peace and life are the laws that rule the world and keep it moving forward and upward.

As we celebrate the Eucharist this Easter Season, may faith grow in us and may charity be reaffirmed, and in that way the Lord be manifested in our lives. Let us open our spirit to his presence and let us be guided by Him. “Let your thoughts be on things of above, not on the things that are on the earth.” (Col. 3:2).

On behalf of Fr. Emmanuel, Deacons Angel, Richard and Roy, myself and the Parish Staff,


Fr. Carlos M. Zapata