40 Days of Gratitude - 1st Week of Lent
by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu | 02/26/2023 | Weekly ReflectionThis week, we will give thanks for how ‘in rest’ we are saved (Isaiah 30:15) by reflecting on and giving thanks for the ways that we practice rest and relaxation.
Sun, Feb 26
SELF-CARE SUNDAY: Share one kind thing you can do for yourself today in thanksgiving for all you have done in the previous week.
Mon, Feb 27
TODAY, WE INVITE YOU TO CONSIDER THE BOOKS YOU HAVE IN YOUR HOUSE. How many books do you own? Which one is your favorite? Which one reminds you of a moment in time that you are thankful for? Which one do you have that makes you laugh just to see it?
Tue, Feb 28
TODAY, WE INVITE YOU TO CONSIDER THE CRAFTS OR PROJECTS YOU ENJOY DOING. What things do you like to do? How many projects do you have in mind to do but haven’t started yet? How many projects are you currently working on? Who taught you or inspired you?
Wed, Mar 1
TODAY WE INVITE YOU TO CONSIDER THE WAYS YOU MOVE YOUR BODY FOR HEALTH AND STRENGTH. What exercise do you enjoy? How do you feel after challenging yourself to move more or indifferent ways? We invite you to give thanks for your body and the ways that you care for it today.
Thu, Mar 2
TODAY WE GIVE THANKS FOR PLAY AND GAMES. What games do you like to play (cards, on your phone, board games, outdoor games)? What was your favorite game as a child? What ways do you play?
Fri, Mar 3
TODAY WE GIVE THANKS FOR THE WAYS WE GET TO INTERACT WITH AND TEND TO NATURE. Many people find working in the dirt to be restful, some love having houseplants, while others simply appreciate the chance to experience nature that others have tended. What parts of nature do you get to interact with? What parts of nature do you tend to with gratitude?
Sat, Mar 4
TODAY WE GIVE THANKS FOR ALL THE ADVENTURES WE GET TO HAVE OUTDOORS. Where are your favorite places to spend time exploring the outdoors or nature? What do you love about those places? How do you feel when you get to be outside?