Love God with all your mind
by © LPi Fr. John Muir | 11/03/2024 | Weekly ReflectionAmericans have long been fascinated with public debates. Farmers stood in muddy fields for hours to hear Lincoln and Douglas dispute each other in the 1860 presidential run-up. The televised debate between Kennedy and Nixon in 1960 fascinated the nation. These days, cable news outlets and social media parse every word spoken by candidates. We still love seeing public, rational disputes in the service of our nation.
In his day, Jesus also captured attention as a public debater. Mark tells us, “And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, ‘Which commandment is the first of all?’” Jesus’ brief but all-encompassing response is the double command to love God and neighbor. Notice that he includes the importance of loving God with “all your mind.” Loving God is not simply a question of affection, loyalty, good deeds, and religious dedication. It demands honest and intense intellectual engagement — just like an accomplished debater.
How do we do this practically? One simple way is by embracing ourselves as life-long learners. Setting aside time for reading, book studies, online classes, and, perhaps most difficult, engaging in open, honest, and curious conversation with those who think differently from us. These are all great ways to love God with our minds. Our country and our Church depend greatly on souls who love God in this way with their minds. Let’s commit to loving God with all our minds in tireless pursuit of truth.