Announcements and Events

2025 Dinner Club
Dinner Club a combination social gathering event and Parish fundraiser. For an annual membership fee of only $120, there will be a cash prize drawing each month from Jan-Sep. The year will culminate with an event consisting of dinner and entertainment, and prizes.

Take Action to Pass School Choice
Help Connecticut’s Catholic Schools maintain their success for future generations by asking your federal delegation to support the Educational Choice for Children Act.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter
A Marriage Encounter can help you to communicate better, to grow in intimacy and to grow in faith with one another. Plan now to attend.
Upcoming Events

Steubenville Conference
Experience a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ that will ignite your prayer life and strengthen your faith!

Drive-Thru Diaper Drive
Diapers (sizes newborn, 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6) and baby wipes are truly needed. You may drive up to the St. John Street door and someone will come out to get your donation, or just walk in.

“Discerning Hearts” for Women
Women ages 18-35 considering a call to consecrated life are invited to have tea with the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and other Sisters from the Archdiocese of Hartford and talk about all things consecrated life.

Knights of Columbus Solidarity Council #55 Meeting
Please note: The Feb 12 meeting has been postponed until Wed, Feb 19 due to illness and weather.

Archbishop's Annual Appeal Beer Tasting & Cocktail Reception
at Aqua Turf Club, Plantsville, CT

Retirement Celebration
Join us in St. Peter Hall to honor and salute Emil Sorban, our newly retired property manager.