Welcoming/Hospitality Ministry
Welcoming /Hospitality Ministry was formed as a loving response to the closing of two churches and the birth of St. John Paul the Great Parish. Our initial efforts consisted of welcoming our fellow brothers and sisters from our greater parish family as we all settled into our new homes. Our ministry reflects the "hospitality" of the Church through its warmth and kindness to members of our parish family and those who may be visiting for the first time. We aspire to express God's love, grace and compassion through positive, friendly, kind and courteous conduct to all who enter the Church at all times.
As each Mass has it's own special "micro-community"… one goal of ours is to form small welcoming committees at each particular Mass time, who would come together to welcome at the doors prior to Mass and if the desire is there, to coordinate "Coffee and …" after that Mass.
We have evolved into a supportive role for parish events, organizing the greater community to come together for various receptions, including First Holy Communion, and Confirmation, the celebration for those baptized throughout the year, our annual Mardi Gras in collaboration with Knights of Columbus Solidarity Council #55.
If you are looking for a fun ministry with many opportunities to share your time or talents on your schedule, call the parish office 860-482-4433.