Bereavement Ministry
The mission statement of this ministry is: "to provide support and comfort at the loss of a loved one."
The family of the deceased will be contacted and will be given guidance in preparing the funeral Mass of their loved one. All details of the process will be explained, and information will be given to help the family choose readings from the Old Testament, New Testament and selection of four hymns.
A eulogy at the funeral is not encouraged, but if desired, one person may speak for no more than five minutes and the talk should focus more on the faith journey of the deceased.
If there is no eulogy, the family will be asked to write down some meaningful reflections to share with the priest as he prepares his homily.
About a month after the funeral, a sympathy card will be sent to the family.
Our parish will provide additional support if needed by calling our parish office to schedule an appointment with our pastor.
Please do not hesitate to contact bereavement coordinator Mary Ann Seiser for more information at 860-482-4433 or