High School Program

High School Program

The St. John Paul Parish high school faith formation program catechizes and challenges teens to fully embrace a life in Christ. It provides a structured curriculum with group discussions.

In the year of Confirmation, students attend a one-day retreat.

All students participate in group community service opportunities with their class and have the option to experience mission work.

Gap Year

While many students after first communion choose to not continue with faith formation, upon returning they complete a make-up year. Upon fully completing the session, they move to the regular 9th grade program. The gap year is used to make up missed lessons from grades 3-8. Once they complete a gap year, they may enter into our two-year High School program.

The schedule for the gap year students

  • September-April = Gap Year
  • September-April = Normal 9th Grade Class
  • April-June = Confirmation Program

Grade 9

In order to enter the 9th grade program, students MUST have continuously attended Faith Formation since First Grade.  

The schedule for the gap year students

  • September-April = Normal 9th Grade Class
  • April-June = Confirmation Program


Confirmation deepens the baptismal life that calls us to be missionary witnesses of Jesus Christ in our families, neighborhoods, society, and the world. We receive the message of faith more deeply and intensively, with great emphasis given to the person of Jesus Christ, who asked the Father to give the Holy Spirit to the Church to build up the community in loving service.

In order to enter the confirmation program, a student must have completed formation from kindergarten-9th grade, successfully completed gap year, or if coming from another parish, providing a letter from the pastor stating classes were completed up to 8th grade.

The schedule for the gap year students

  • April-June = Confirmation Program

Teaching Curriculum

The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition (abbreviated CFH) program deepens the baptismal life that calls us to be missionary witnesses of Jesus Christ in our families, neighborhoods, society, and the world. We receive the message of faith more deeply and intensively, with great emphasis given to the person of Jesus Christ, who asked the Father to give the Holy Spirit to the Church to build up the community in loving service.

Class Schedule

Classes meet monthly Sunday evenings from 6pm-7:15pm at St. John Paul the Great Academy, 360 Prospect St. Torrington. The last day of classes will be Sunday, April 13, 2025.

Mass Attendance

Mass attendance is a requirement, and it is tracked. Envelopes are located at the entrance of each church and are collected during the offertory.

Stewardship Hours

“So, when he had washed their feet and put his garments back on and reclined at table again, he said to them, “Do you realize what I have done for you? You call me teacher and master, and rightly so, for indeed I am. If I, therefore, the master and the teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.”

John 13:12-15

Share your GIFTS… You have many special talents. Sharing your skills, talents and “self” with others is your commission. Acts of KINDNESS and GOODNESS happen each day. CHARITABLE words, UNDERSTANDING and PATIENCE displayed towards others, simple gestures of FRIENDSHIP and JOY all are part of your daily routines and many of you do not even recognize it. All these are GIFTS from the Holy Spirit. We are now asking you to share these gifts with those in our own community and those who are in need.

Service to the Church and Parish community can take on different forms. Students need to realize that as baptized Catholics, we are called to use the gifts that God has given us to serve the Body of Christ. Since we are all gifted in many different ways and these gifts come from God, it is appropriate that we use our gifts in service to others as a way of serving and loving God.

Service is an important part of the preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is an indispensable requirement for one’s entire Christian Life and how we live the Gospel! All Confirmation candidates are required to perform at least 30 hours of service for Church and/or community. You are encouraged to volunteer in a variety of different way and in a variety of places. First 15 hours are required to be done in the Parish. The last 15 hours are welcome to be done anywhere in the community. Some suggestions for service include:

  • Spiritual Works of Mercy: Adoration, Healing Mass, Holy Days of Obligation, Ash Wednesday, Triduum.
  • Community: Any “Free” service you do as an individual or as a group to help out the community in which we live. For example: raking leaves, handing out flyers, clothing or food drives, service projects done for boy & girl scouts, 4-H, school groups, etc. Hours spent volunteering to help youth groups and youth sports. Working with younger students for which you do not receive any payment.
  • Church: Any “Free” service you do as an individual or as a group to help out our Church. For example: Serving at Mass, helping the ushers at Mass. Singing in the Choir for Mass. Being a reader for Mass. Working at the Parish Festival, Pancake Breakfasts, church cleaning, cleaning up outside of the church /school.
  • Family: (Only 5 Hours allowed) “Free” service helping them beyond what are your normal chores. For example: raking leaves, cutting grass, put screens on the house, cook a meal for them, etc. Family can include grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters. Helping your neighbors with chores around their homes also counts towards your Family hours.

Actions that do not count towards community service: You may not accept payment for your service hours.

A time sheet needs to be handed in with the signature of a supervisor in order to receive full credit. Absence of signature will default to no hours.


Our confirmation preparation is for students in Grades 9-12. The registration fee is $85 per child. Contact Lina Calabrese, Director of Faith Formation, at dreatstjohn@gmail.com for more information about registration, class information or confirmation requirements.