Announcements and Events
2025 Dinner Club
Dinner Club a combination social gathering event and Parish fundraiser. For an annual membership fee of only $120, there will be a cash prize drawing each month from Jan-Sep. The year will culminate with an event consisting of dinner and entertainment, and prizes.
Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center Current Exhibits
Christmas Tree Festival • Christmas in Africa &bull: Away in a Manger: The Creation of Nativity Scenes
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
A Marriage Encounter can help you to communicate better, to grow in intimacy and to grow in faith with one another. Plan now to attend.
Upcoming Events
Steubenville Conference
Experience a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ that will ignite your prayer life and strengthen your faith!
Mandatory parent meeting on Sun, Jan 12 at 11:30am.
Catholic Schools Week
National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. The theme for the National Catholic Schools Week 2025 is “Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community.”
New England Catholic Biblical School Open House
Come sit in on an online or in-person class! Study all 73 books of the Bible at the New England Catholic Biblical School!
St. John Paul the Great Holy Name Society Meeting
We will have a guest – our Seminarian Sponsor recipient. Let’s have a nice turn out to welcome him! We will also begin the countdown to our Macaroni Supper.
Caregiver Retreat: A Caregiver’s Well-Being
at Franciscan Home Care and Hospice Care, 271 Finch Avenue Meriden, CT 06451
Monthly Food Drive
Items may be left at St. Peter or St. Francis churches during the weekend of Feb 1/2.