Holy Week

by Fr. Emmanuel Ihemedu  |  04/01/2020  |  From the Pastor

Dear Church Family,

I hope all of you are safe and healthy amidst the Coronavirus crisis. I am praying for each and every one of you daily asking our Lord to keep you safe and protect you and your family.

As you know, the Holy Week is next week. While we may be on lockdown, we are not on knockdown. The worst thing that can happen to us is to let this crisis get the better part of us which is our relationship with God. Below is our Holy Week schedule and how we can remain united in prayer. I am hoping that you will be able to join us in these solemn activities:

All HOLY WEEK SERVICES can be accessed by going to "VIRTUAL CHURCH" on our website (Please note: Our Facebook link is live and the YouTube link is a recorded video).

Palm Sunday: April 5

10:00am Mass in English
11:30am Mass in Spanish
3:00-4:00pm Drive-By Distribution of Blessed Palms in St. Peter's Parking lot. Please enter through St. John's Place Street, approach the Palm Stations and from your vehicle, take what you need and then drive out through the church parking lot exit. All are asked to wear gloves when taking palms. Please do not get out of your vehicles. There will be about five stations.

The Sacred Triduum

Holy Thursday - April 9
Mass of the Lord's Supper
7:00pm at – Bilingual

Good Friday - April 10
No morning Mass
2:00pm Bilingual Stations of the Cross
3:00pm Bilingual Celebration of the Lord's Passion
7:00pm Seven Last Words of Christ – in Spanish

Holy Saturday - April 11
8:00pm – Bilingual Easter Vigil Mass

Easter Sunday - April 12
10:00am Mass in English
11:30am Mass in Spanish

May this Holy Season remind us all that God would be willing to lose a Son than he would be willing to lose anyone of us.

Fr. Emmanuel