40 Days of Gratitude - 2nd Week of Lent

03-05-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu

This week, we will give thanks for the home we live in (Psalms 127:1) by reflecting on the blessings that are found within our homes.

Sun, Mar 5
SELFCARE SUNDAY: Share one kind thing you can do for yourself today in thanksgiving for all you have done in the previous week.

Mon, Mar 6
TODAY WE BEGIN BY GIVING THANKS FOR WHAT IS OFTEN CALLED THE HEART OF THE HOME: OUR KITCHENS. Even if you do not like to cook, your kitchen offers things to sustain you. What appliances are you thankful for in your kitchen? What things in your kitchen bring you joy? What is the silliest thing in your kitchen that simply brings you joy?

Tue, Mar 7
TODAY WE GIVE THANKS FOR OUR LIVING ROOM SPACES. Living rooms spaces hold our comfortable chairs and give us places to relax and connect. What are you most thankful for in your living room space? What things help you feel safe? What things help you to relax? If your home is not a safe space, we invite you to reflect on a space where you do feel safe.

Wed, Mar 8
TODAY WE INVITE YOU TO CONSIDER YOUR BATHROOM AND GIVE THANKS FOR IT. Perhaps not a room a lot of folks like to talk about, but an important part of our daily lives. What do you appreciate about that space? Do you have things in it that bring you joy, from a lovely smelling soap to a favorite product that you use each day, or one that you only use for special occasions? Remember, there are hundreds of thousands of people (if not millions) around the world for whom a bathroom is a luxury.

Thu, Mar 9
TODAY WE GIVE THANKS FOR THE PLACE WHERE WE SLEEP. We know that sleep is important for our health and well-being, and we know that many struggle with sleep. Thinking about your bedroom or where you rest, give thanks for those things that help you rest and restore. What things help you relax? What things help you rise in the morning?

Fri, Mar 10
TODAY WE INVITE YOU TO CONSIDER AND GIVE THANKS FOR THE OUTDOOR AREAS THAT MAKE UP YOUR HOME. Maybe it is a patio, porch, yard, or a window that looks out onto the world how does this outdoor living space bring you joy? What about this space elicits gratitude?

Sat, Mar 11
WE END THIS WEEK’S REFLECTIONS ON WHERE WE LIVE BY GIVING THANKS FOR OUR FAVORITE SPOT WITHIN THAT PLACE. Maybe it is a chair, a room, or a wall filled with beautiful things you’ve collected. We invite you to go to that place to give thanks for it and for all the ways it brings you comfort, peace and joy.