The Gospels challenge us to the core

by © LPi  |  02/23/2020  |  Weekly Reflection

The Gospels continue to challenge us to the core. This is especially true in the way our social relationships have developed.

Feeling safe and secure in the world are not things that come easily these days. Actually, we may find ourselves feeling more reservation, caution, reluctance, and fear than ever before. In a moment's notice, life can drastically change. When someone has been intentionally and violently hurt, especially someone we love, we can all too easily find ourselves very attracted to the Old Testament philosophy of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."


People are not property.

by © LPi  |  02/16/2020  |  Weekly Reflection

We cannot exchange them at will or simply use them for our own designs and purposes. What does the word “commitment” mean to you? We can begin to understand its meaning by looking at some synonyms: dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, and bond. Commitment is primarily about relationship, and Jesus is all about relationships. How our lives affect others, how we treat our brothers and sisters, how we resolve conflict, and how we view the vows of marriage. Jesus’ teachings on obeying the commandments, murder, reconciliation, marriage, divorce, and adultery all stem from the sacredness of commitment. All of this has a God connection.


What does it mean to be salt and light? If we listen carefully to Jesus’ words, we gain some direction.

by © LPi  |  02/09/2020  |  Weekly Reflection

To be salt means to bring taste, zest, and joy to life. We are asked to liven things up a bit by allowing the joy of our faith to spill over into the lives of others. Only a sincere and deep relationship with God can freshen up humanity and set it on proper course. To be light means that our faith must translate into action so that we can be Christ for others and extend the same arm of mercy and compassion that Christ did.

Our acts of piety, then, cannot be directed solely at ourselves. Prayer is never about self-benefit but must always be directed toward union with God, deepening our relationships with one another and learning how to be effective stewards of the beautiful universe God has entrusted to our care.


He is King of Glory

by © LPi  |  02/02/2020  |  Weekly Reflection

"Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in the sight of all the peoples: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel."

Very often, having more light is not something we desire as it forces us to confront something we really do not want to see. There can be comfort found in darkness. It has an eerie sense of security to it. We do not have to challenge ourselves or be challenged and can simply exist in some fabricated state of self-fabricated blissfulness. Jesus came to bring light, and it is a light that is resisted by many and hated by some. It is a light that causes us to see things as they really are and not as we would want or need them to be.


Jesus of Nazareth asks us to follow Him.

by © LPi  |  01/26/2020  |  Weekly Reflection

It begins! Jesus is doing something new. “He left Nazareth and went to live in Capernaum by the sea.” Jesus leaves his family, his profession of carpentry, and everything he has known and loved for the previous 30 years.

He goes because it is time. Something new is beginning, and Jesus will not begin it alone. “As he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers … he walked along from there and saw two other brothers.” What does he say to these men? “Come after me.” These words are for Peter and Andrew, for James and for John. They are also for all of us.


Announce the Good News

by © LPi  |  01/19/2020  |  Weekly Reflection

On the cusp of fame, power, or influence, would you turn it down? Today’s Gospel again features John the Baptist. Controversial but popular, John has gathered quite a group of followers. He has disciples. Peoplecome from near and far to be baptized by him. Pharisees and government leaders are drawn to his preaching. If John was another man, a lesser man, he would have claimed his owngreatness. Instead, John the Baptist is a witness to humility.

“The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Beholdthe Lamb of God … he is the one of whom I said, “A man iscoming after me who ranks ahead of me.”… the reason why Icame baptizing with water was that he might be made known.’”


Live Out Your Baptism

by © LPi  |  01/12/2020  |  Weekly Reflection

The Catechism of the Catholic Church gives four reasons for the Incarnation, why God became man in Jesus Christ. The third reason is "to be our model of holiness." All of Jesus' words and actions model for us what we ought to do. He also shows us how we're meant to be. Jesus' baptism ought to remind us of our own baptism and of the importance of baptism in the Christian life.

The Baptism of the Lord reminds us of our Trinitarian identity. When we are baptized, we stand in solidarity with Christ, bathed in the waters he sanctified. There, the Father proclaims our adoption into the family of God. "'This is my beloved son [this is my beloved daughter], with whom I am well pleased.'" And the Spirit, too, descends. We are filled with the Spirit's grace and power to continue Christ's mission on earth.


Seekers of Truth

by © LPi  |  01/05/2020  |  Weekly Reflection

We may walk many roads when we search for God, and He leads us all the while. The men we honor today were not Jews. The Messiah wasn’t coming for them, not in the minds of Jesus’ contemporaries. These men were astrologers. They were adept at reading portents in the sky, a practice condemned in the Mosaic covenant. Still, to the best of their knowledge and awareness, they were seeking the truth. This truth led them to journey from their own homeland to honor a king they’d never met, one they couldn’t be sure truly existed. “‘We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.’” Who do you know seeks God so tenaciously?


Parents, Families, Society

by © LPi  |  12/29/2019  |  Weekly Reflection

"'Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you.'" 725 kilometers. That's the distance on modern roads from Bethlehem to Cairo. Assuming one covered 40 km a day on foot — ambitious for two young parents and their infant son — the journey would take well over two weeks. Of course, the Holy Family didn't have modern roads. They would travel through wilderness, fear bandits, run low on water, and cross the vast Sinai Peninsula in a reverse of their forefathers in Exodus. Here, in struggle and sacrifice, are the beginnings of the forging of the Holy Family.


The Season of Gifts

by Fr. Emmanuel Ihemedu  |  12/22/2019  |  Weekly Reflection

It is said that great gifts come in small packages. On Christmas Eve, underneath the Christmas Trees in many of our homes are gifts wrapped beautifully with Christmas colors. Unfortunately, some of these gifts will be returned to the stores right after Christmas because these gifts may not be our sizes; they may not fit; they are not our favorite colors; or simply because we don't like them.

Of all these gifts, there is one in particular, that once we open it, will render us speechless and bring tears to our eyes because of the so much love put in the gift. It is the smallest package ever, yet in it is the gift of God himself. St. Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians calls it the indescribable gift! (2COR 9:15), a gift that no word can express! This very gift we cannot return to Walmart, CVS, Macy's, Lord & Taylor, JCPenney, etc. This is because this gift is personal. It is practical. It is permanent/forever.


What are you longing for?

by © LPi  |  12/15/2019  |  Weekly Reflection

Who did you come to see? A version of this question is posed by Jesus many times in the Gospels. He asks it of Andrew and John when they begin to follow him. He asks it of Mary Magdalene in the garden of the resurrection. He asks it in today's Gospel. "What did you go out to the desert to see?" There is something innately human about "seeing." Animals have eyes — some with much more powerful vision than our own — but that's not the kind of seeing Jesus is talking about. We could phrase the question several other ways. "What are you looking for?" "What are you longing for?" "Whom do you seek?"

It is in seeing for ourselves that our suspicions or hypotheses are confirmed, that our desires discover their fulfillment, and that we can rest for a moment in certainty. John the Baptist sought certainty of Jesus' identity. "Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?" Jesus sends word to him based on the testimony of sight, observations of the mighty deeds Jesus has begun to work. "Go and tell John what you hear and see."


A gift from God

by © LPi  |  12/08/2019  |  Weekly Reflection

What does it mean to be worthy? There are a few different ways to approach this question. Today’s Gospel highlights two: the way of the Pharisees and the way of John the Baptist. Our faith values good works and discipleship. Perhaps, then, we “earn” our worth by adhering to the right doctrines and following the right pious practice. The Pharisees thought they were worthy. Due to their religious pedigree and proper procedures, they were self-satisfied. John the Baptist’s words to them are strong. “Do not resume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’” Of course, Jesus (and John) don’t omit the responsibility for moral behavior. John gives the Pharisees quite a strong warning in that regard. “Produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance … every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”


Stay awake!

by © LPi  |  12/01/2019  |  Weekly Reflection

"I'm never getting enough rest! How can I possibly be 'asleep'?" In a world of jam-packed schedules and high anxiety levels, physical rest may be hard to come by. Yet relentless pursuit of our to-do lists and social calendars may keep our minds off of the things that really matter.

Jesus knows all too well a pattern of busy, harried ignorance. "In those days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage … they did not know until the flood came and carried them all away … two men will be out in the field … two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken, and one will be left." When it comes to the spiritual life, we can be at work or at relaxation and still be spiritually asleep.
