Hold Tightly to God's Word

by © LPi  |  02/26/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

The Spirit leads Jesus into the desert to be tempted by the devil, and we hear this: “He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was hungry.” Seems like a questionable battle preparation plan. When I fast, I usually feel grouchy at best, and at worst, like I might pass out from longing for a hamburger. Isn’t it better to be well-fed and fully hydrated, especially to face spiritual struggles? Why fast?


40 Days of Gratitude - 1st Week of Lent

by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu  |  02/26/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

This week, we will give thanks for how ‘in rest’ we are saved (Isaiah 30:15) by reflecting on and giving thanks for the ways that we practice rest and relaxation.

Sun, Feb 26
SELF-CARE SUNDAY: Share one kind thing you can do for yourself today in thanksgiving for all you have done in the previous week.

Mon, Feb 27
TODAY, WE INVITE YOU TO CONSIDER THE BOOKS YOU HAVE IN YOUR HOUSE. How many books do you own? Which one is your favorite? Which one reminds you of a moment in time that you are thankful for? Which one do you have that makes you laugh just to see it?


40 Days of Gratitude

by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu  |  02/22/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

For this week, we will give thanks for the ways we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 149:13)

Wed, Feb 22

Thu, Feb 23


40 Days of Gratitude

by Fr. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu  |  02/19/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Church Family,

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, “In ordinary life, we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.” And I agree.

To connect more deeply with God during this Lent, we as a parish will practice gratitude for the 40 days of Lent. Reflecting on how much God has blessed us is one way to deepen our relationship with God.


Love Demands Extraordinary Things

by © LPi  |  02/12/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

It’s often said that the Catholic Church lays heavy rules on her members, rules that can almost seem impossible. Mass every Sunday? No lying ever? Sexual purity all the time? I recently said to some non-Catholic friends that more than fifty adults were baptized at my parish at the Easter Vigil. One responded spontaneously with shock, “Why would anyone do that?” In other words, why would someone willingly place themselves in a system with such demanding and rigorous rules?


Be Salt of the World

by © LPi  |  02/05/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

I recently decided to learn to cook. As I sit at the feet of various YouTube cooking masters, I notice how much of cooking is adding ingredients that don’t provide any more nourishment, like herbs and other seasonings. But man! They make all the difference because they make the meal delightful to eat and share. Jesus calls his disciples “salt of the world.” No one eats just salt. So, Christians are not meant to replace or do away with the world. They are meant to be agents of preservation and glorification.



by © LPi  |  01/29/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

In my parents’ bedroom there were on the wall two photos of my mom and dad from their early adulthoods. The photo of my mother entranced me when I was a boy. I loved looking at it, even though I saw her in daily life. Something about that picture captured her perfectly. It was an image of the joy, wisdom, beauty, and strength that enveloped me from the start of my life. It was an icon of the woman who fed, taught, and encouraged me. I felt a deep pride that I came from such beauty.


Pray with Light in the Darkness

by © LPi  |  01/22/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

When I was a young seminarian, I asked a wise old priest how to pray better. He said simply, “Don’t lie when you pray.” He helped me to see how much energy I waste in trying to appear acceptable to God when I pray. For me, prayer was showing off for God and hiding what was ugly.

It’s stunning that the Gospel of Matthew tells us of Jesus, “He left Nazareth and went to live in Capernaum by the sea, in the region of Zebulon and Naphtali…” This isn’t just the Lord’s relocation up north. It’s his moving into places of shame and defeat. This region was where the enemy invasion of Israel began centuries before. Jesus left the comfortable confines of Nazareth and sought out a place of darkness, not to bring shame, but to announce the dawning of his light.


Lamb of God

by © LPi  |  01/15/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

When I was a kid, remember the priest at Mass announcing, “The Lamb of God!” Frankly, it struck me as nonsense. I thought: Why in the world does God have a lamb? And where is this lamb? John the Baptist sees Jesus coming toward him and announces, “Behold the lamb of God.” His Jewish listeners knew what he meant. God’s lamb is the thing that is sacrificed at the Jewish Passover and consumed by the participants. For almost a thousand years, lambs were ritually slaughtered and eaten in Jerusalem at Passover. The lamb meant sacrifice, freedom from sin, and communion with God. The Baptist is saying in effect, “This man will be ritually sacrificed and consumed so that God’s people may be free from sin and united to God.”


Finding our Way in Life

by © LPi  |  01/08/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

The story of the Wise Men bringing gifts to Jesus, the newborn King, is a great one, isn’t it? They had a great big star in the sky to lead the way. I am no Boy Scout, so I am not sure how well I would do following a star like that. But the important point here is that God led them to the manger. The manger was a place that unless God specifically showed you this was where the Christ Child was born you wouldn’t have believed it. You would have passed on by.


Open your Heart to Mary

by Father John Muir  |  01/01/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

We hide ourselves and our secrets from God because we are afraid. Even Mary can seem too perfect to approach. The shepherds find the strength to speak to Mary and Joseph at the moment they see the child in the manger. They open their hearts and share what they’ve experienced. Saint Luke writes of the shepherds, “When they saw this, they made known the message that had been told them about this child.”


Are you prepared for Christmas?

by Fr. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu  |  12/25/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Every year we prepare for Christmas. Our preparation includes adorning our homes and churches with beautiful decorations and Christmas trees. We also buy presents for our children, spouses, and loved ones. We send out Christmas cards to family and friends. We prepare a sumptuous meal for Christmas dinner.

But then, how much preparation is enough? How ready can we be for Christmas? Is Christmas delayed if we do not have everything on our to-do list accomplished before December 25th? Would it stop Christmas from coming? The answer is that nothing can stop Christmas from coming, not even our unpreparedness or lack of readiness. So, why prepare?


Fear Not, God is With Us

by © LPi  |  12/18/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

An entire town is wiped out by fire, a tornado rips through several neighborhoods, a bomb claims a maternity hospital and a sudden heart attack takes the life of a soul mate. Life is unpredictable and dramatic. Many buy into the sad illusion that the securities and familiarities we see around us today will remain forever: our homes, our friends, our spouses, our churches, and even our health. We are stunned and shaken by a sudden change, finding ourselves bewildered, mortified, and even embittered. We do not like change, especially change driven by sources beyond our control. Are there any guarantees in life? We often live as if our lives come with lifetime warranties. When they break, they can be fixed or replaced. Such is not the case. Many things are irreplaceable and unable to be fixed. During life’s inevitable chaos, God says: “Do not be afraid.” Seriously? How can one not be afraid when things are falling apart?


Be Strong, Fear Not

by © LPi  |  12/11/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Life can leave us feeling dark and desolate. Sandy was just twenty-eight when her husband, Rob, died, leaving her to raise their two young children. She was without paid employment. Rob went to work one morning and never returned home. Sandy, though, had faith and trusted that somehow God would help her through, even though most days brought deafening, piercing loneliness. She persevered, and the darkness gave way to light.

Remarking one day to a friend hesitant to commit to a relationship, Sandy shared her wisdom. Even if she knew the outcome would be the same, she would marry Rob again. She assured her friend that she would even do this if eight years could only be eight minutes. We are being led by God and God transforms the darkness into light.


God Does Not Abandon Us

by © LPi  |  12/04/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

At sixty years of age, Maria and Paul had a beautiful life. High school sweethearts, they had four children, five grandchildren, a successful business, good friends and a fabulous beach house. They felt very blessed. Their strong faith in God saw them through some difficult challenges. Without warning, Paul died suddenly. Maria was devastated. Why did God do this? Why did God allow this to happen? An indescribable depth of sadness weighed heavily upon her heart. She felt betrayed by the God she thought was looking out for her. She was overwhelmed by despair. Have you ever experienced such incredible and deafening sadness? Where is God in all of the pain?
